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2012년 종학연구소 성철스님 탄신 100주년 기념 5차 학술포럼(The 5th Academic Forum in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ven. Seongcheol )

등록일 2018-01-31 작성자 종학연구소 조회 397

<2012년 종학연구소 성철스님 탄신 100주년 기념 5차 학술포럼>



주  제 : 돈점사상의 역사와 의미

일 시 : 2012329(목요일) 14:00

장 소 : 한국불교 역사문화기념관 지하 공연장(조계사 경내)

사 회 : 운원철(서울대 교수) 


주 제 1 : 초기불교 경전에 나타난 돈()과 점()

발표자 : 임승택(경북대 교수)

논평자 : 김재성(서울불교대학원대학 교수)


주 제 2 : 중국선사들의 돈점론과 그 이해

발표자 : 종호스님(동국대 교수)

논평자 : 김진무 (동국대 불교문화연구원 교수)


주 제 3 : 돈오돈수와 조사선 -한국선의 특질-

발표자 : 정영식(동국대 HK연구초빙 교수)

논평자 : 변희욱(서울대 철학사상연구소 연구원)


주 제 4 : 돈점 논쟁 새로 읽기

발표자 : 박태원(울산대 교수)

논평자 : 서명원(서강대 교수)



공동 주최 : 백련불교문화재단 부설 성철선사상 연구원/ 동국대학교 불교학술원 종학연구소 



<The 5th Academic Forum in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of 

                                      the Birth of Ven. Seongcheol> 


Ven. Seongcheol was an eminent Master who dedicated himself throughout his life entirely to the practice of modern Buddhism.
He resided at Pagye-sa Temple sitting in meditation without lying down (長坐不臥) for eight years. He served as the Supreme
Patriarch of the Jogye Order. Regarding Seon practice, he supported the doctrine of sudden enlightenment and sudden practice
(頓悟頓修 attaining enlightenment and completing practice in a single moment), which triggered a big argument about practice
methods among many scholars. In this forum, on the basis of Ven. Seongcheol's theory, scholars discussed historical debate in terms of practice. There are two fundamentally different explanations as to how practice and enlightenment are attained in the Buddhist
and more broadly religious—context. Here various critiques and analyses from historical aspects opened a new horizon on the debate between the doctrines of 'sudden and gradual'. 


▶ Subject: The History and Significance of the Doctrine of Sudden and Gradual Theory 

 Date: March 29, 2012

 Venue: The Traditional Culture and Art Hall, Korean Buddhist History and Culture Memorial of Jogye Order, Seoul 


Topic 1: Doctrine of Sudden (頓) and Gradual (漸) in Early Scriptures 

Presenter: Seung-taek LRim (Gyeongbuk University)  

Commentator: Jae-seoung Kim (Seoul Bulgyo Graduate University)


Topic 2: The Sudden (頓) and Gradual (漸) Theory of Chinese Chan Masters and Their Understanding

Presenter: Ven. Jongho (Dongguk University)  

Commentator: Jin-muoo  Kim (Institute for Buddhist Culture, Dongguk University)


Topic 3: Sudden Enlightenment & Sudden Practice and Patriarchal Chan, “The Characteristics of Korean Seon”

Presenter: Youngsik JeongYoung-sik Chung (Institute for Buddhist Culture, Dongguk University) 

Commentator: Hee-wook Byun (Researcher, Institute for Philosophical Thought, Seoul National University)


Topic 4: The New Reading of 'Sudden and Gradual' Argument 

Presenter: Tae-won  Park (Ulsan University)  

Commentator: Myeong-won  Suh Bernard Senecal (Seogang University)


Co-host: The Institute for the Study of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, Dongguk University / The Research Institute for Seongcheol
Seon Thought, affiliated with the Baekryeon Buddhist Cultural Foundation