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Consecrating the Buddha: On the Practice of Interring Objects (bokjang) in Buddhist Statues

등록일 2018-02-08 작성자 종학연구소 조회 68

Consecrating the Buddha: On the Practice of Interring Objects (bokjang) in Buddhist Statues


Co-host (공동주최): Ewha Womans University Museum; and Humanities Korea Project, Institute for Buddhist Culture in Dongguk University


August 11th


Location:  Ewha Womans University Museum Lecture Hall



Registration with Coffee & Bread  (8:30-9:00)



Opening Remarks (9:00-9:15)

             Chair: Kim Youn-mi (김연미), Ewha Womans University


             Jang Namwon (장남원), Director of  Ewha Womans University Museum

             Kim Jongwook (김종욱), Director of the Institute for Buddhist Culture in                                       Dongguk University



Keynote Speech (9:15-10:00)

           Professor James Robson, Harvard University

             “Buddhist Images Inside Out: Why do the Contents of Statues Matter?”



Panel 1 (10:15-12:00) Transformation of Bokjang from Goryeo to Josoen


             Chair: Richard McBride, Brigham Young University–Hawaii


             Lee Seunghye (이승혜), Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art

             “Bokjang, Consecration of Korean Buddhist Images: Issues and Further Questions”

             (한국불상의腹藏의례: 쟁점과과제)


             Jeong Eunwoo (정은우), Dong-a University

             “Meaning and Forms of Bokjang during the Goryeo Dynasty”



              Discussant: Nam Dongsin (남동신), Seoul National University



Lunch (12:00-1:30)



Panel 2 (1:30-3:00) Sutras and Bokjang


             Chair: Chung Woothak (정우택), Dongguk University


             Song Il-gie (송일기), Chung-Ang University

             “Recent Discoveries of Bokjang Relics and their Meaning”



             Kang Heejung (강희정),  Sogang University

             “Bokjang: The Breath that Enlivens the Buddha’s Body

             (복장: 불신에불어넣은생명의숨)


              Discussant, Kim Young Mi (김영미) Ewha Womans University               



Panel 3 (3:15-4:45)  Bokjang Ritual for Buddhist Painting


             Chair: Jeehee Hong, McGill University


             Lee Yong-yun (이용윤), Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism Headquarters

             “A Study of Bokjang in Buddhist Paintings of the Late Joseon Period”



             Lee Seonyong (이선용), Korea National University of Cultural Heritage

             “Bokjang Ritual and Buddhist Painting”



             Discussant, Kim Junghee (김정희) Wonkwang University





August 12th


Location:  Ewha Womans University Museum Lecture Hall


Coffee & Bread  (9:00-9:30)



Panel 4 (9:30-11:30) Bokjang in Other Contexts


             Chair: Tracy Miller, Vanderbilt University


             Hank Glassman, Haverford College

             “Stupas inside Statues: Esoteric Buddhism and Image Consecration in Medieval   Japan”


             Akiko Walley, University of Oregon

             “Sheltered by the Buddha: Buried Objects under the Great Buddha of Todaiji as Tainai Nōnyūhin


             Maya Stiller, University of Kansas

             “Amitābha Triads Concealed in Craggy Cliffs: An Analysis of Sculpture Burial     in Premodern Korea”

             Discussant Rhi Juhyung (이주형), Seoul National University


Lunch (11:30-1:00)


Panel 5  (1:00-2:30) Textile, Tombs & Bokjang


            Chair: Richard McBride, Brigham Young University–Hawaii


             Song Mi Kyung (송미경), Seoul Women’s University

             “Buddhist Influence on Clothing Used for the Joseon-dynasty Burial”



             Sim Yeon Ok (심연옥), Korea National University of Cultural Heritage

             “Textile from a Seated Gilt Bronze Medicine Buddha in Janggok Temple”



             Discussant: Choi Sun-ah (최선아),  Myongji University



Screening of “Secret Ritual” documentary by BTN



Q&A with the monk Gyeongam (Bokjang Ritual Specialist)



Closing Remarks (3:45–4:30pm)

Prof. Bernard Faure, Columbia University